
Ilaria Boccarini:  is a teacher and dancer of tribal fusion and sacred dances. She is the artistic director of the Blakulla Tribe and the president of the Gebo association. She is an artisan, designer and illustrator who takes inspiration from her personal transformational and spiritual experiences. She is a Moon Mother, a Reiki and yoga practitioner and enjoys working with divination techniques.

Ilaria Ruggeri: is a Moon Mother. She works professionally in the fields of illustration, holistic wellness and women's spirituality. She was initiated in the Ara tradition by Phyllis Curott. She believes that art has a profound healing power and that it is a psychological and spiritual need of every human being

Valeria Trisoglio:  is a Moon Mother, translator, ritual facilitator and teacher of women's spirituality. She is a priestess in the Ara tradition and a trustee of the Board of the Temple of Ara. She is one of the founders of the Argiope association and has worked with several world-renowned teachers, including Miranda Gray and Phyllis Curott. She practices shamanism, Reiki, divination and belly dance (ATS).

This project is based on the work of Miranda Gray about Divine Feminine and it was born during our initiation as Moon Mothers.

Miranda Gray: is an artist, author, energy worker, teacher and
For more information on Miranda and her work, please visit:
workshop facilitator. She is the author of the internationally successful book “Red Moon – Understanding and using the creative, sexual and spiritual gifts of the menstrual cycle” and of “The Optimized Woman – Using your menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfilment”.

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